Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Writing For Piano

So I think one of my biggest road blocks for this project is that I don't know much about playing piano. I don't know really what is asy and what is hard for them. And because I am not so handy on the piano, I find that I keep my piano parts within my own reach because I've been composing at the piano, so I haven't been writing things that are more complicated than what I can eek out.
Now that I will be writing on Sibelius I think I will have more room to play with chords and fast moving parts in the piano so that will probably be helpful.
Also I never think in chords! I think of one or maybe 2 notes at a time in a voice, so for my 3rd character piece I'm going to maybe try to think about structuring it around chords, being more adventurous with the piano part, and not limit my composition based on my on piano skills!

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